Dog Community & Dog Run

Dog Run Repair Project

After 20 years of community stewardship, and no City Capital funding allotted to the Dog Run, it needed critical repairs so it could continue to be a usable park asset. Thanks to a $100,000 investment from the Fort Tryon Park Trust and community donations, the Fort Tryon Park Trust hired a private contractor to extract silt, replace fencing, and stabilize the slope. The run was closed for a few weeks to ensure the safety of park users and dogs and re-opened on 3/3/22.

Please join the Fort Tryon Park Trust conservancy in our efforts to secure City Capital public funding for water service and fencing upgrades, as well as potential expansion of the run, from our newly elected officials: Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine and District 10 New York City Council Member Carmen De La Rosa. UPDATE/June 2022: Councilmember De La Rosa recognized the importance of the Dog Run and has committed $300,000 as a down-payment toward the $1M+ water service and fencing project. Once all required public funds are secured, a full public scoping meeting with the community will be held by NYC Parks, and the full City Capital Project process will advance. To learn more about this 4-year City Capital Project process, click HERE.

Dog Owner Community Impact

Fort Tryon Park is a public park and welcoming to dogs and we value the park’s dog owning community. Sir William’s Dog Run is the largest public dog run in Manhattan, on an acre of land in the heart of Fort Tryon Park where dogs and their humans can play in a beautiful setting. It includes both small- and large-dog areas, with separate gated sections. It is an invaluable park and community asset, unifying people and dogs, and activating the park interior at all hours. Hundreds of regular users and visitors from NYC and beyond benefit from this dynamic amenity.

Note that dogs must be on leash in all areas of the park except when inside the dog run.

Dog Run location Map

Dog Run History

The run is located in what was originally planned as a Children’s Play Lawn by the Olmsted Brothers firm in their 1933 design. After years of decline following the fiscal crisis of the 1970s, the community approached NYC Parks about converting the play lawn into a space for dogs. In 2001, Sir William’s Dog Run was born, and the dog-owning community has been collaborating with NYC Parks and the Fort Tryon Park Trust ever since. The Fort Tryon Park Trust and NYC Parks have provided fencing, service gate upgrades, tree work, an expansion, dedicated space for small dogs, supplies, regular stewardship days for volunteers to help maintain and beautify the area, and much more.

fort tryon park 85th anniversary film

Get Involved

Stay in touch to meet your fellow dog-owners, help advocate for the run, learn about events, opportunities, and improvements, and join our Membership Program to help sustain the area!

dog lover membership

stay in touch form

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