Cabrini Woods Kids Worksheets
Cabrini Woods Nature Sanctuary is a small but vibrant woodland located at the southwest corner of Fort Tryon Park and is one of the best uptown spots to look for birds and take in sweeping views of the Hudson River and Palisades. The woodland is connected to the other last remaining forested parklands along the Hudson River — Fort Washington Park and Inwood Hill Park in Manhattan and Riverdale Park in the Bronx. Bordered on two sides by roadways, it is an urban forest in transition.
Learn more about the birds and ecology of Cabrini Woods!
Use these printable resources to delve deeper into Fort Tryon Park’s natural assets. Use the species list below to find out which birds live in or migrate through Fort Tryon Park’s Cabrini Woods and its environs. Have the kids print out these downloadable worksheets to guide their exploration of birds and their food sources. Take advantage of the educational signage along the Cabrini Woods Nature Sanctuary boundary on Cabrini Boulevard from 190th Street to the Fort Tryon Park Cottage.
These worksheets are made possible by the generous support of Con Edison.
Learn more about the woods and find other resources on our Cabrini Woods Nature Sanctuary page!