We work with NYC Parks’ horticulture staff to keep Fort Tryon Park colorful, intriguing, and rejuvenating for its visitors all year long. The park’s natural treasures include more than 650 varieties of plants, trees, and shrubs. The Fort Tryon Park Trust is the conservancy organization that fills in gaps in public funding for this 67-acre, Olmsted Brothers masterpiece that was opened 86 years ago.
Use our Plant Finder to learn which plants we are growing in every month! Browse through our website plant gallery for photos and information about your favorite plants in the Heather Garden and its surrounding area. Click on each month to expand the selection, then click on images of the plants you would like to explore. Check back for additions!
The Fort Tryon Park Trust also produces monthly, printable Bloom Lists you can take with you on your visits to the park.
Click HERE to begin using the Plant Finder today.